Acupuncture Treatment for IVF Patients
Acupuncture Treatment for IVF Patients
Acupuncture is increasingly being used to assist and improve IVF treatment. While being a traditional therapy, this is one of the best examples of how it can be adapted to a new situation. Also, it shows how closely, and successfully western and eastern medicine can work together.
Over the past 10yrs, I have witnessed a significant increase in couples seeking to engage in assisted techniques.
The success rate for IVF conception to be achieved is usually between 20% and 30% depending on the fertility clinic. In a study in Germany, a 26% success rate was achieved for women receiving no acupuncture, whilst a 43% success rate was achieved by those receiving acupuncture. Studies in China and America achieved similar results. While there has been no large European studies, Chinese reports suggest this percentage can be further increased by up to 40% to 60% with the use of Chinese medicine. Most recently a British medical journal reports suggest acupuncture can improve IVF success rates by up to 65%.
The procedure I follow is;
I recommend starting acupuncture treatment several months before beginning fertility treatment, even one month before can make a difference. Acupuncture treatment can increase fertility rate, and treatment during the IVF cycle can improve implantation success.
At the first consultation I treat my patient as a fertility case; making an assessment and try to improve and regulate the menstrual cycle if necessary, (reduce pain, PMS signs or regulate length) , and then attempt to increase blood flow to the uterus and make eggs, and endometrium and cervical mucus more balanced and stronger.
Then as the IVF approaches, I nourish the uterus and ovaries in order that more good quality follicles can be extracted, and a better implantation environment is formed.
On the day of implantation, if possible, I attempt to see my patient prior to embryo transfer and as soon as possible after, (this is called the pre and post treatment). This can be arranged seven days a week, out of hours if necessary. The pre treatment is to try to invigorate blood flow into the local area in order to make the body more receptive to the embryos. The post treatment after the transfer, I try to stabilise the hormone level to keep the embryo safe. This also calms the patient and relaxes the uterus so that it does not reject the embryo.
If the IVF is successful it is very safe to continue with acupuncture treatment to lesson the risk of miscarriage.
In addition to treating the female partner, I would also advice checking the male partner as good quality free flowing sperm does make a large impact on the chances of success.
Whether you are attempting IVF, ICSI, or IUI there is a lot that can be done to help the process.